Why Tailwind is Essential As a Pinterest VA


As a Pinterest Manager, Tailwind is the best scheduling tool I've found to be successful on this platform. It's helped me save time, and automate my pins management so that everything runs smoothly without any stress. Tailwind is an approved Pinterest partner and affords you flexibility, time efficiency, and success as a Pinterest VA. It also offers a free trial so you can try it before you buy! I highly recommend Tailwind to anyone looking to be successful on Pinterest.


As anyone who has tried to make a living on Pinterest knows, the platform can be extremely time-consuming. Curating high-quality content, writing engaging descriptions, and manually pin setting multiple times a day quickly becomes a full-time job. This is where Tailwind comes in. Tailwind is a tool that allows you to schedule out all of your posts in advance and they will be pinned at the most optimal times on Pinterest. You can therefore bulk schedule your posts at the most convenient time for you, which allows you to work flexibly as a Pinterest VA. Additionally, interval pin scheduling also allows you to schedule your pins over a specific period of time to multiple boards to get the most reach out of each pin. In other words, Tailwind is a game-changer for anyone trying to make money on Pinterest.

Check out this video to see how to schedule like a pro in Tailwind:

One of the most helpful functions within the Publisher section of Tailwind is Board Lists. These are lists that you can create in Tailwind of related boards that you have on your Pinterest account. If you are repeatedly pinning the same content to multiple boards, this will help you save so much time as you will only need to enter the board list name, rather than having to enter multiple board names each time! Plus, it will automatically populate a board that you may have forgotten to enter should you have done it manually. It’s such a great tool in Tailwind! Board Lists help to keep your pins organized and make sure that they are being posted to the right boards. I highly recommend taking advantage of this feature if you are an avid Pinterest user!

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The Your Schedule tab is located to the left of your Board List on the Tailwind app. This tab contains your weekly pinning schedule, which is a set of recurring times when Tailwind will automatically publish pins you've added to your queue. You can increase or reduce the number of timeslots in your schedule by clicking the Generate New Smart Schedule button. Having a schedule helps to ensure that your pins are delivered at the optimal times on Pinterest, maximizing their reach. See image below for a visual!


Tailwind Communities are a great way to get your content in front of new people. To get the most out of communities, it's important to find ones that are relevant to your interests and niche. Once you've found a few communities that you're a good fit for, the next step is to start contributing quality content on a regular basis. If you can do that, you'll be well on your way to growing your presence on Pinterest.


If you're looking to get the most out of your Pinterest strategy, Tailwind Insights is a great tool to help you analyse your performance and shape your future strategy. The Board Insights tab provides valuable data on which boards are getting the most engagement and are therefore working well for you, including your Group Boards. Within the Pin Inspector tab, you can view the top and worst performing pins, as well as how many repins they have received. Plus, you can add your pins straight to your Communities within this function. The Top Pins tab will tell you what is working for you in terms of reach, so you can determine what kind of content you should be pinning in the future for the best results.

Interested in trying out Tailwind for yourself? You can sign up for your free Tailwind trial here. You can sign up for a free trial here! With this trial, you have access to all of the Tailwind features for free while scheduling up to 100 Pins on Pinterest and 30 posts on Instagram. This way, you can try before you buy to see if Tailwind is the right fit for you and your social media needs. So what are you waiting for? Sign up today and start growing your online presence!

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*Please note that some of the links above are affiliate links and at no additional cost to you, I’ll earn a commission. Know that I only recommend products and services I’ve personally used and stand behind.

Susie Longmire

I’m a Pinterest Manager, Tech-Savvy Virtual Assistant and Online Educator.


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