Why You Need Freshbooks For Your Virtual Business


Are you an looking for an easy to use invoicing system for your virtual business? I started my Pinterest Management and Virtual Assistant business in early 2021, and was stumped on how I was going to easily invoice clients across the globe. Luckily, Freshbooks was recommended to me and I’m so pleased I went with that option.

Easy And Customisable Invoices

Freshbooks has such an intuitive interface and it’s easy to figure it all out when you start. As you create your first invoice, you can easily pick your template, add your logo, and even adjust colors and fonts to ensure your invoices look professional.

FreshBooks also allows you to quickly set a Due Date for your invoices so your clients are always clear on when you expect payment.

More invoicing features include:

  • Customize invoice payment term

  • Easily offer discounts

  • Automatically calculate taxes

  • Preview invoices before sending

  • Instant updates when an invoice has been viewed and paid

  • Invoice from anywhere with the mobile app

  • Automatically track inventory billed on invoices

  • Request a deposit on your invoice 

Here’s a quick video that shows you how to create and send invoices easily with Freshbooks:

Payment Reminders And Automatic Late Fees

Have a client that has a hard time remembering to pay their invoices? You can set FreshBooks to do the awkward nudging for you with automatic, customizable Payment Reminders. This feature is such a godsend!

Additionally, as you invoice you can easily set FreshBooks to automatically apply a late fee when your invoice becomes overdue to give your clients that extra incentive to pay you on time.

Multi-Currency And Multi-Language

On every invoice, you have the option to select the language and currency of your choice. And once you set up a client in a particular currency that becomes the default going forward, so you never have to specify the currency again. This is a fantastic feature for those entrepeneurs with clients across the globe.

Do you have a client who speaks another language? There is also a multi-language function option for your invoices and you can invoice your client in their preferred language.


Fast Online Payments

Freshbooks gives your clients the opportunity to pay you online easily and quickly with multiple payment methods. Payment options include VISA, MasterCard, AMEX, and Apple Pay. Freshbooks is integrated with Stripe which allows acceptance of international currencies.

Any processing fees are automatically imported as expenses, and you can offer your clients flexibility with Payment Schedules and Partial Payments.

Want to give Freshbooks a try? Sign up for your free 30 day free trial here!

*Please note that some of the links above are affiliate links and at no additional cost to you, I’ll earn a commission. Know that I only recommend products and services I’ve personally used and stand behind.

Susie Longmire

I’m a Pinterest Manager, Tech-Savvy Virtual Assistant and Online Educator.


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